Monagersky's Blog

Personal and Professional Life of a Realtor

Sep 17, 2009 Good Morning Out There (posted late) September 19, 2009

Filed under: Social networking — monagersky @ 12:33 pm

Good Morning out there…especially to my one faithful and silent reader (she who shall not be named!).

Had a great walk this morning, it had rained but not while walking.  I was pondering the mystery of our apple trees today.

Earlier this year, our trees were loaded with apples. Five huge trees of Stamen Winesap apples. We smiled warmly and thought…Life is Good. This year the plans for the apples were to go to acquaintances in Webster. They have a cider press and put up delicious cider. Smugly, we thought that we could be the Apple Heroes to the Houghtons.

The year progressed, the apples got larger and the trees seemed blessed with fruit. 

The oddest thing started happening in our community. Crows, CROWS, CROWS,CROWS!!!! Everywhere in Jackson County. Big freaking noisy huge cawing large massive bold crows around the whole county. Found it odd, found it unusual but not necessarily cause for alarm. Until a month ago when I was looking at the apple trees thinking it was time to get in touch with the Houghtons and Y I K E S !!!!!!!!!!! no apples were on the trees!

We reluctantlyinform you that our trees stand barren and really fruitless.  Next year maybe we should arrange for armed guards.


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